self care | Mom Life By Design helping moms calm the chaos inside so they can show up more present for the chaos outside Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:52:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 self care | Mom Life By Design 32 32 Who’s Got Time For Self Care? Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:52:19 +0000

As a mom, you’re told to take time for yourself. “You can’t pour from an empty cup!”

And yet you keep pouring. You’re too busy putting everyone else’s needs above yours.

You keep thinking you need a break. A moment to catch your breath and think a thought.

But that to-do list never ends, someone always needs you, and you just feel so depleted.

What are you supposed to do?

I have a great place to start, but before we dive in, let’s talk about what self-care truly is.

We’ve been fed a lie that self-care is pampering and indulgence. And on the other end of the spectrum, people try to sell basic hygiene as self-care for busy moms. I don’t think we have to swing wildly either way – there’s a sweet spot right in the middle.

My simplest definition of self-care is anything that feeds your soul.

Our to-do lists are full of tasks that move the needle, but devoid of things that are soul nourishing. If you’re ready for a change, here’s where I start.

1. Check Your Thoughts

Your thoughts hold so much power. The way you tell yourself the story of what you’re experiencing creates all kinds of emotions within you. Are your thoughts serving you and creating what you want?

For example, if you’ve got the thought “Nothing gets done unless I do it” playing on a loop in your head, you’re training yourself to look for all the ways this thought is true. This probably builds up emotions of frustration, resentment, and pressure. You keep doing all the things – but with bitterness – and this seeps out on your people.

What if instead you practiced a thought like “I do things better from a place of rest.” You can find evidence for this thought too. It’s not that one thought is true and the other is false – but that you get to choose where you focus. This thought brings more peace and allows you the space to take a moment while in the middle of a busy day.

2. Determine What You’re Wanting

When you say you need a break, what do you mean? What do you need a break from? What would give you life in this moment?

We often don’t take the time to actually consider what we’re wanting in this break we say we need, and we just fill it with a mindless activity like doomscrolling that doesn’t fill our soul.

Do you need rest? Quiet? A moment of fun? Creativity? Laughter? What is it, right now, that you’re wanting?

3. Make a Plan

Once you answer the questions above, you’re in a great place to make a plan, because you know where you want to go.

Just like you make a to-do list of all the things that need to be taken care of, you need to be taken care of too.

What are you going to to for self-care? Where will it go in the schedule? What do you need to have prepared?

4. Keep Your Word to Yourself

Most importantly, do what you said you were going to do. Become a trustworthy person to yourself – someone who makes a plan and follows it.

If you need a jumping-off point for a few self-care ideas, here are some of my favorites:

    • When the kids are present/with you: go for a walk, color, dance party, play a game, tea party, nature scavenger hunt, tell jokes, sing
    • When you need a time out: put on a show and do something nourishing for yourself (not catch up on tasks, work, or doomscroll): listen to a podcast or book, your favorite music, read, do something creative (paint, draw, color, bake etc), journal
    • When you tap in someone else to care for the kids: take a bath, catch up with friends, make and enjoy a mocktail, meditate (The Balance app is a great resource to start), feel your feelings

Only have 5 minutes? These will help, Mama!

Grab the “Inner Peace Cheat Sheet: 5-Minute Rituals for Busy Moms” for five simple practices you can start today!

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5 Powerful Mindset Shifts for More Peace in Motherhood Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:51:25 +0000

It’s no secret that motherhood is both incredibly beautiful and overwhelmingly hard in the same breath. You know it well – not only do you wear a multitide of hats (and wear them well, mama!), you’re running on coffee and adrenaline because sleeping through the night is something you only vaguely remember from the past. It seems like everyone needs you all the time, and you’re constantly running from one demand to the next, leaving you feeling stressed and exhausted.

While we can’t change many things about motherhood, we can change our focus and what we think about. Our thoughts create our feelings, which influence our actions. If you’re after more peace as a mama, here are five mindset shifts you can begin to practice today to move from overwhelmed to in control.

a woman in sunglasses smiles as she walks through sunlit trees with text overlay of the words " 5 mindset shifts for more peace"

Mindset Shift 1: What You Focus On Matters

I am for my children, not against them.

Your mind finds what it’s looking for. Each moment, we put it on a mission with our thoughts and focus. As we have thoughts, it starts to look for all the things that make those thoughts true.

In a world that sees busyness as a badge of honor, our to-do list can easily take top priority in our lives. We feel rushed and pressured to complete all the things. And our children operate in what feels like direct opposition to this list.

Your kids want your presence. They need things from you. They make messes and have energy to burn. All of these start to feel like attacks on us personally. “Don’t they know I have to get these things done?”

When we misalign our priorities in this way, our children become the enemies to what we are attempting to do.

I’ve been intentionally practicing the thought, “I am for my children, not against them.”

It reminds me where my allegiance truly lies and helps me to zoom out and focus on the bigger picture.

Mindset Shift 2: Believing Your Purpose

I am just the mom my kids need.

Comparison is an easy but dangerous trap to fall down. All the information on Google and the highlight reel we constantly see on social media make us feel like we don’t have what it takes in this moment, in whatever parenting struggle you’re facing.

The truth is: your kids are yours for a reason.

No one has the specific gifts and skills you do or the temperament you do. No one else moms like you do. And while that might feel like a burden more than a gift, your uniqueness was created to pair with your children’s uniqueness.

It doesn’t always feel like it, but no matter what, you’re equipped for the family you have. This doesn’t mean you have all the answers or do things perfectly, but that you have what it takes to show up in each moment.

You are JUST the mom your kids need.

Mindset Shift 3: Understanding Your Intrinsic Value

I don’t have to do anything to have value.

It’s easy to feel like we have to earn our worth. Motherhood is an often thankless job – both inside and outside the home.

We know how hard we work – not just in the tasks, but the emotional and mental labor. But in an unconscious attempt to be seen and appreciated, we often take on more.

Doing more doesn’t mean you have more value. It just perpetuates the cycle of striving to earn validation and exhausting ourselves in the process.

Mama, you have so much value simply because you exist. You were created by a Creator with a purpose and attention to detail. You don’t earn more value by doing – you are valuable because of who you are and who created you.

When we work on shifting our mindset, we get the privilege and honor to see and appreciate ourselves. We get to support and cheer ourselves on because we decide what we focus on.

There’s nothing you can do to add more value to who you are. Embrace what a gift you are, just as you are.

Mindset Shift 4:

It’s good for me to rest.

Self-care isn’t selfish.

It can be hard to believe if you’ve internalized other messages, like other’s needs are more important than yours, or you are the only one who can do these things that need to be done.

While this may be true some of the time, it’s certainly not true all of the time.

When we look to the scriptures, we see that God rested and set an example for us. Because of who He is, He doesn’t need rest. But because He created us, He knows we do.

Rest is also an act of surrender and trust, acknowledging His plan over our to-dos.

True self-care is taking time to recharge your batteries – whatever that looks like for you. We have to plug up to our power source to be able to continue on.

Everything and everyone works better once they’ve powered off for a bit.

You were made, by design, to rest.

Mindset Shift 5:

I am a human having a human experience.

Perfection isn’t the goal in life and motherhood – simply becoming more at ease with all your humanness is.

When we let go of this idea that the pinnacle of success is perfection, and instead peacefully acknowledge all the ways we are human, we get to be so much more present with ourselves and our children.

As emotions come up throughout the day, as they will do, we get to have so much love and compassion for ourselves just like we do others.

There is no such thing as a bad feeling. They’re just little messengers, a notification to check. We can allow them, be present with them, and listen to what they have to say.

If you experience feelings you’ve told yourself for so long that moms “shouldn’t” feel, the temptation is to stuff them down and hide them, pasting on a happy face to power through.

I just want you to know that no matter what you’re feeling, nothing is wrong with you, and you’re not alone.

You’re a beautiful human, experiencing a full range of human emotions, and learning to allow and listen to them.

Putting These Mindset Shifts Into Practice

If you’re thinking, “Sure, all this SOUNDS great – but it will never work in reality,” I get it! Seriously, I’ve been there. But I’ve watched over and over again as I’ve been able to create what I desired, starting with my mindset, and had the joy of watching my clients experience it too. The secret sauce is intention and repetition.

Your brain has kept you alive with these old thoughts that aren’t serving you for a long time. It will continually go back to those, because it’s trying to conserve energy and keep you alive, and doing the same old thing will satisfy those desires. You have to be intentional about gently correcting it back to where you want to go as you create new patterns.

  1. Start each day by looking at what’s there

Spend a few minutes each day uncovering what’s going on in your brain. Left unsupervised, our brain can take us all kinds of places we don’t want to go – so we get to take control of our thoughts. Set a timer for 3-5 minutes and write down everything happening. Process those feelings attached, and with intention, choose your new thought to practice.

  1. Keep your new thought close by

Set a reminder on your phone for your new mindset shift to pop up every couple of hours. Write it on a post-it and leave it somewhere you look at often. Set yourself up for success by intentionally reminding yourself of this new thought you’re practicing.

  1. Give yourself grace

Knowing that you’re going to default back to your old mindset habits, hold space for this and don’t beat yourself up when it happens. New patterns take time to stick, and we can celebrate the tiny nuggets of progress along the way instead of demanding perfection.


Take it Deeper: Find Your Inner Calm

Grab the “Inner Peace Cheat Sheet: 5-Minute Rituals for Busy Moms” for five simple practices you can start today!

Start today

Take the First Step

 It’s easy for moms to get stuck in negative thought patterns in the middle of the mundane. To start creating the life you desire, you need some new thoughts to practice. I’ve created a list of new thoughts for moms to create more joy in their lives today – grab it here!

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The Ultimate Guide To Letting Go Of Mom Guilt Fri, 01 Dec 2023 22:31:50 +0000 The Ultimate Guide To Letting Go Of Mom Guilt
a young woman sits in a chair with her head in her hands. Text over the image reads "conquering mom guilt"

Being a mom and experiencing “mom guilt” seem synonymous these days. Does this sound familiar? 

You know deep down that motherhood is such a privilege and blessing, but it seems like you’re never enough, and it feels like you’re drowning. The guilt pushes you to shrink down, retreat, and hide in your shame that you must be the only one who can’t do it all. You feel stuck, alone, overwhelmed, and like a failure. The guilt continues to grow, and so the cycle continues. 

Mom guilt, the overwhelming feeling of not being enough or doing enough for our children, is one of the most common struggles I work through with my clients. While it’s tempting to hide, Mama, I want you to know that you’re not alone in your feelings. There’s an army of mamas who have experienced the same things you’re going through right now. 

I know this with certainty because I was that overwhelmed mama, and I coach moms daily through this struggle. The good news is, as a result, I’ve noticed three specific contributors to these feelings of guilt and shame moms experience. Awareness is half the battle. When we can identify triggers, we can begin to make a plan to move forward, which I’d love to start working on with you today.

I’d love to share with you today not only the most pervasive triggers for mom guilt, but the root cause and proactive practices to kick mom guilt to the curb, so that we can begin to let go of the guilt and shame and experience more freedom and joy in motherhood. 

Sound like a plan? Let’s jump in! 

Dissecting Mom Guilt: The Triggers

The Output of Motherhood

The load moms carry with the thousands of little things we do every day that often go unnoticed is tremendous. Each day can hold the demands of chef, house cleaner, medic, scheduler, chauffeur, counselor, friend, teacher, and more.. According to, the cost of a salary to replace the role of “mom” (as if that’s possible) was estimated at $184,820 in 2020, with stay-at-home moms working an average of 106 hours a week (15 hours a day 7 days a week), and working moms averaging 54 hrs a week working in the home in addition to their workload – which averages 107 hours a week. No wonder moms are tired!

Not only are the to-do lists seemingly endless, the mental load of a mom is heavy. Our brain is full of facts like shoe sizes and food preferences, due dates and play dates. Add that to the instant access to the entire world’s highlight reel (thanks social media), and we feel like the only ones who aren’t doing things well. It doesn’t matter that we intellectually know that we’re only seeing the best parts of people’s lives, it still normalizes the mountaintop experiences when we feel stuck in the every day mundane. 

The Impact of Motherhood

The weight of caring for little people is tremendous. I don’t mean only keeping them alive, which can be especially difficult especially in those toddler years, but helping them grow into productive members of society, and dealing with all the fears that come with this. It’s a heavy and weighty responsibility that constantly has us moms feeling like we’re overwhelmed, out of control, and not doing enough.

We can want all kinds of great things for our children, but we can’t force them to live into what we hope for them. This can put us at odds with our kids and ill at ease, as we try to navigate a world where we feel like we should have control but we don’t actually call the shots. 

Our “Mom Manual”

I know I’ve said more than once that I wish being a parent came with an instruction manual. I’d like to offer today that it does… sort of! 

Along the way, we’ve subconsciously created ideas and expectations of what a good mom is and does – our “Mom Manual”. These expectations come from our past experiences, society’s unwritten rules, and what we’ve seen. As a whole, moms are overwhelmed and teetering on the edge trying to be everything to everyone when they weren’t meant to do it all. When our “Mom Manual” compares our mama actions how we’re showing up as a mom, it can’t meet our reality. This is a breeding ground for discontentment, overwhelm, guilt, and shame. 

There’s also a section in our “Mom Manual” about how our kids “should” act and be. Our kids are their own people with their own ideas and preferences, which often clash with ours, and it’s a recipe for madness. 

We were never meant to do it all – we were meant to embrace our specific purpose and life here, not someone elses, even if that someone is an arbitrary character. 

The Mom Guilt Cycle: It Starts in Your Mind

The origin of mom guilt is a story we’re telling ourselves that isn’t true. Our thoughts create our feelings, which drive our actions, and they continue to cycle like a loop. The mom guilt we’re feeling is coming from a sentence in our brain. 

We may not even be able to recognize the story we’re telling ourselves, and this is where its so valuable to have someone outside of your head to talk through it with – a friend, a mentor, a coach, a spouse – they can help you see what’s inside that’s creating your outer world. 

We’re pointing our brain to find evidence

I know for me, and a lot of mamas I talk with, the shoulds are killing us. 

This should be easier.

I shouldn’t feel this way.

Other moms are doing this well – I should be able to also.

I shouldn’t want anything more. 

The shoulds create so much guilt and shame – and that tends to spill out on those we love all around us.

Your brain is so smart. When you put it to work with a thought, it starts looking for evidence to prove that thought right. 

Replaying these thoughts over and over every day reinforces all the ways you’re doing things “wrong”, and ensures we completely miss all the good in every day, leaving us stuck in guilt, frustration, and overwhelm. 

So, how do we get unstuck?

Proactively Practice Challenging the Mom Guilt: Practical Tips 

One of the first things I teach my clients is the MIND + HEART + SOUL method. I’d love to share this simple practice with you to start the journey of freeing yourself from mom guilt. 

Be conscious of your MIND 

To direct our steps on a new course, we first have to determine where we are and uncover the thoughts that are creating your reality. The voice we hear the most is our own, and it often runs non-stop unconsciously. 

When we pause and take a moment to bring what’s running in the background to light, we give ourselves the power to make a change. You can write it all down, type it out, voice record your stream of consciousness, or talk with a trusted friend or coach. Any of these options give you a mirror to reflect your thoughts back to you. This makes it easier to see what’s actually going on inside that beautiful brain of yours. 

Tap into your HEART 

If our thoughts create our feelings, our next step is to understand and process the emotions there. These thoughts that have been running in our mind have generated all kinds of emotions. None are good or bad – they just are. 

To process emotions, you can follow them through your body. Notice where you feel it, breathe through it, and allow it instead of trying to stuff it down or distract yourself. Once you allow it to move through you, you can consider what the emotion is indicating. If it had a loving message for you, what would it be?

Once you’ve processed the emotions that are already there, you get to decide what you WANT to feel!

Lead with your SOUL

Lastly, we tap into our soul to embrace the mom you were created to be. Allow her to be present – first with yourself, and then with your kids and those around you. 

Decide ahead of time how you want to show up. Do you want to be more present? Less offendable? When you’re thinking about future you, ask yourself what she needs to feel to be that person? What thought creates those feelings for you? For some help coming up with new thoughts to practice, grab my free download of thoughts here!

Choose to practice that thought that generates these feelings you desire. Set a reminder on your phone so it will pop up every couple of hours. You’re so used to doing it the way you’ve always done it, so it won’t be perfect. Progress is all we’re after.

We’re so quick to offer others grace, but need to learn to extend that same grace to ourselves. Mama, you’re doing the best you can with what you have right now, and every moment is a learning & growing opportunity. You’ve never done this day before. 

We don’t berate our children when they’re learning to walk fall down again and again. Instead we cheer them on for the progress they’re making and encourage them to try again. If only we could see ourselves through those same eyes! 

The next time you feel paralyzed by mom guilt or catch yourself spiraling, remember that you’re not alone in how you’re feeling. And now you have the tools to begin to create a different reality for yourself, starting right now. 

What thoughts create the most mom guilt for you? What do you find yourself struggling with the most? 

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Keeping Your Word to Yourself Tue, 28 Feb 2023 17:27:50 +0000 Keeping Your Word to Yourself
image of open planner on a computer desk, with a hand holding a pen resting on the pages. items have been written in each day. Text across the image reads "Keeping Your word to yourself"

Planning is Partnering with God

I’m not a planner by nature. I enjoy allowing the day to unfold as it will, leaning into what I feel great about, and avoiding the things that aren’t vibing with how I feel. I don’t like feeling boxed in or being bossed around by a to-do list. I’d much rather feel my way through the day!

The problem is that our feelings often lead us astray if we allow them to be the driver. 

I have a holy calling, a purpose given to me by God himself. When I don’t prioritize that in my life because of circumstances or how I’m feeling, I’m allowing myself to become an idol that keeps me from serving and worshiping Him wholeheartedly. 

It’s easy to put things off, again and again, until they don’t get done. 

When we pass doing what we’re supposed to in favor of doing what we want, we’re rolling a snowball down the hill. It continues getting larger until it’s unwieldy and out of control. 

Psalm 90:12 says “Teach us to number our days, that we may present to you a heart of wisdom.”

We learn to number our days from His instruction, allowing us to gain wisdom that we can then give back to him with our whole heart. When we understand that this life is finite, and that everything we do is for His glory, we can get on the same page with what God is doing. 

Planning is my way of participating in God’s plan for my life. My allowing space and time on the calendar for what He’s called me to do.

By looking at my planner, I can tell if I’m agreeing with God or walking contrary to the purpose he’s given me. Right now, my purpose is wife, mama, homeschool teacher, coach. Are these roles reflected in what I plan to do this week?

How Do We Plan?

There’s no one right way to plan, except consistently. Whatever works for you is a great place to start. Planning is also a fluid thing – it’s not rigid. Don’t be afraid to start one way and switch to another as you practice.

I start by brain-dumping everything in my head. Our brains aren’t meant to hold all our information. We quite often use them as filing cabinets instead, which slows us down and can leave us feeling paralyzed with information overload. 

You know how your computer runs slower when you have all those tabs open in a few different browsers? Our brains are the same. We’ve got to clean up the mental clutter, and a big brain dump helps us to let go of all those little things taking up valuable space because we can trust they will get done when they’re on paper. 

When I brain-dump, I get everything out – from the household tasks that need to be done to the big picture items that God has called me to. 

Often, once we get all the things that must be done out of our head, we realize many of the tasks are quick action items, and many aren’t urgent after all. They just felt heavy and urgent because they were occupying valuable brain space. 

Most likely there will also be a few things in your brain dump that are either too large to be completed as is, or a vague idea of something that needs to be done. 

Here, you can break that big item into smaller, actionable items to move towards completion. “Clean out the closet” can feel daunting and leave this on your to do list for weeks when you don’t know where to start. Instead, try putting the smaller steps down: “Go through sock drawer, remove dresses that don’t fit anymore, donate shoes I no longer wear, etc”

When you’ve finished your brain dump, now you just need to decide what needs to be done when. Look at the calendar and your personal responsibilities, and decide where there’s time to complete these tasks. 

When you assign a time, stick to it, and show up at that time ready to complete the task at hand!

What We Do With the Plan Matters

We can’t just stop at planning. Most importantly, am I actually showing up to do what I’ve planned? 

When we keep our word to ourselves, we’re agreeing with what we’re called to be. We’re showing up for our life purpose filled and ready to partner with God. When we don’t show up, when we push things off arbitrarily, we’re giving our circumstances and feelings more weight. Each time we slide into this, it becomes a little easier to do so the next time. We’re creating a path in our brain that is easier and easier to default to. 

What we plan is important, but how we show up is even more so. 

Do what you set out to do. Keep your word to yourself. As you continue to show up, your brain learns you can be trusted. You follow through. You partner with God on the mission He’s set before you, and in taking these little steps faithfully, you continue to bring Him glory. 

Are you keeping your word to yourself or do you continually deflect what you should be doing in favor of what feels good at the time? How will you show up and stand in the mission God has called you to right here?

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What are you REALLY thinking? Thu, 12 Jan 2023 15:34:23 +0000

According to Healthline, it’s estimated that you have over 6,000 thoughts a day – or about 6.5 thoughts each minute while you’re awake.

Our brains are always active and working, providing us input on the world around us and our perceptions of it. Many of these 6.5 thoughts a minute are subconscious, and whether we know it or not, they are shaping our lives.

If we want to change where we are, it is essential to understand what’s actually going on in our brains.

While it’s impossible to document every single thought, we can intentionally spend time each day connecting with our minds and putting to paper what’s floating around in there. The morning is an excellent time to write down your thoughts and see what’s actually going on.

Grab a journal, blank piece of paper, or open a blank Google doc – whatever works best for you. There’s no one way to journal. You only need a space to free-write all the thoughts swirling around in your brain. Find somewhere comfortable, and settle in.

Starting at the top of the page, just begin writing what’s on your mind. If the blank page is intimidating, start with the weather or how you slept the night before. Once you get some words down, it usually begins to flow.

Whatever comes to mind, write it down. The grocery list. Something you’re anxious about. An event you’re looking forward to. How you’re struggling with one of your children’s attitudes. Whatever comes up, write it down and keep going!

Before we go any further, though, I want to caution you about a pitfall most of us fall victim to every now and then.

When we uncover thoughts that aren’t the most pleasant, we’re tempted to do one of two things:

  1. Rewrite them with a positive spin before we even write them down OR
  2. Shame ourselves for thinking a “bad” thought

To understand our minds more, we have to be curious. All thoughts are allowed. There are no “bad” or “good” thoughts – only thoughts.

Being honest with yourself during this process will help you to move forward in the direction you want. When we cover up these thoughts with either avoiding them or burying ourselves in guilt, it does nothing to process them productively and move forward.

It just buries them deeply, and we will continue thinking them unchecked.

This process is helpful for actually seeing what you’re thinking. Our thought patterns are well worn and we often don’t even know what’s creating the things that are frustrating us.

When we take the time to get curious with our thoughts, we can see how we’re giving away our power, how we’re playing the victim, how we are waiting for circumstances to change, and how we’re contributing to our pain.

Whether or not they are true, it doesn’t matter. What we give thought space to, we allow to grow.

If you’re ready to start intentionally taking your thoughts captive and creating the world you desire, The Busy Mom’s Guide to Generating Joy is a perfect first step. This practical 11-page downloadable PDF is available to you instantly, and it’s HALF OFF right now!

This guide includes the 5 step process of creating more joy, journal prompts and space to put your thoughts on paper, and bonus ideas of new thoughts to practice. You can use it over and over again as you grow in renewing your mind!

Are your thoughts creating results you like? If not, what are you going to do moving forward?

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Finding Worth Mon, 21 Nov 2022 11:27:00 +0000

I’m grateful for this life I get to create. I still feel like sometimes I have the hustle mindset, that I have to work to be worth something. That my day has to be so full of things. But if my day is full of love, connection, and presence, isn’t that worth more?

The to-do list is long. Being a family of growing boys keeps the calendar full – check-ups, orthodontist appointments, sports practices, cross country meets, counseling, meet-ups with friends. There’s always food to think about as they consume more than ever to keep up with the previous list.

From the moment I wake up, I feel this tug to make the most of the day, to write out an ambitious to-do list that will leave me feeling accomplished by the end of the day. As a homeschooling mom, I spend a large portion of my day at home, and it’s like my brain refuses to recognize that this alone is hard and holy work. Instead, I need to prove myself by checking off all the to-dos I can fit into a day.

This hustle mindset that has taken over the business world has taken over my heart too, and if I’m not careful, it will choke out all the good things in my life, leaving me an empty, tired shell of myself.

I’m learning more and more each day that my worth isn’t tied to what I accomplish. Life is not about how much I do. This is my heart looking for a cheap and easy way to say to the world: “Look at me and how much I’ve done! Validate me!”

That validation never comes. Any praise from those closest to me quickly fades in a flash and I’m hustling after it again.

The truth is, friends, our worth doesn’t come from what we do, but is already built in us. We’re looking to the wrong places to remind us who and whose we are.

When the world says do more, God says rest.
When the world says prove yourself, God says you are worth everything to me just as you are.
When the world says you aren’t enough, God says I am enough, and I am in you and with you.
When the world says you aren’t contributing, God says I’ve created you for just where you are.

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Feeling instead of Hustling Mon, 07 Nov 2022 11:10:00 +0000

Planning your day is so important. Getting things out of your head and onto paper (or digital paper if you’re anything like me) clears all that clutter in our brains and allows us more space to be present, to learn and to grow.

If we’re not careful, though, that planning can put us in hustle mode, where the to-do list is king and there’s no space for presence. Staying busy is a great way to avoid feeling our feelings and working through them. I know this, because this is me.

When things get hard, or tough emotions are churning inside me, I double down on the actionables and get busy. If I stay focused on tasks, I don’t have to be uncomfortable and feel hard things that seem like they will last forever.

I work myself into a frenzy, exhaust all my reserves, and then lash out at those around me from the pain of those unprocessed emotions. It’s not a pretty cycle, but my mind has an old, well-worn pattern that this is better than actually feeling the hard stuff.

In reality, I’m just stuffing those emotions down deeper, where eventually they will come spewing out in the most unloving ways to those around me. Festering emotions store up all kinds of problems – they work to be seen and recognized, and when not acknowledged, can wreak havoc on our physical and mental wellbeing. They have a message for you, and won’t stop until you slow down to hear it.

While your emotions aren’t always truth-tellers, they do have a message for you. You can’t control how you feel – but you can gently acknowledge and allow them, thank them for trying to help you, and listen to the most loving message they have for you. After you feel those emotions and allow them to pass through, you can determine how you want to feel moving froward, and create thoughts that support this new feeling.

You can’t think your way out of feeling emotions – that’s the hard, slow work we have to be present for. As a growing, thriving human, we have access to the full range of emotions – the joy-filled, the grief-stricken, the anger-fueled. No emotion is bad, it just is. When we allow it to be felt and carry its message to us, they can move on.

Don’t dam up your emotions until there’s a breach. Allow them to flow freely. With practice, this becomes easier. You become more in tune with yourself and how you feel, and it feels less catastrophic to process them through. They aren’t here to hurt you, but to guide you along your path.

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You GET TO Create the Life You Want to Live Sat, 29 Oct 2022 21:45:16 +0000

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had those thoughts that send you into a downward spiral.

If only this happened…
If only he changed this…
If I only got this thing…

That’s dangerous thinking.

You’re giving your power away.

What if I told you that you had the power to create the life you want to live?

You can stop this cycle of waiting for circumstances or people or jobs to change, and instead grab peace and joy with both hands, right in the messy middle?

You’re not a victim to circumstances. I get that things feel hard right now. And life is full of hard, painful, trying times. That will never change.

What can change, what you have control of, are the thoughts you are telling yourself that result in your feelings, which guide your actions.

The Bible tells us plainly to take every thought captive (put the reference here). Our thoughts will take us on a journey – one that we may not want to take. Friends, if no one has ever told you, you’re allowed to think different thoughts.

I know this sounds simple – almost too simple. But the proof is in the practice. And while it’s a simple idea, the execution can feel like an uphill battle.

Our brain likes those smooth, well-worn worry pathways we’ve created. It’s comfortable in what it’s always known. And when we begin to try to blaze a new trail, you’re going to need the machete to clear out the overgrowth.

First, we have to realize the old thoughts that are leading us places we don’t want to go. How are you feeling that you don’t want to feel? (Frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, like a bad mom?) What thoughts are you having that are leading to those feelings? (I should be/shouldn’t be…)

Quite often, we’ve created a manual for how we think people are supposed to be/act in certain situations, either for ourselves or for others. And when we look on our circumstances with these manuals, it can create tension. We create these should’s/should not’s for these situations and when we don’t perform as expected, we fail.

What if you stopped should-ing on yourself? There is no one way to live this life. There is no right or wrong. All emotions are allowed, and we get to submit them to God and trust him for each step.

When we challenge these old patterns, it’s difficult. They may feel true, because you’ve been telling them to yourself for so long. But is it really true?

We don’t leave space in our lives for things that aren’t true. We think on what is true, holy, noble, and worthy. We adjust our thoughts to be in line with God and his word, and move forward in His truth.

It’s hard, holy work, and oh so worth it. The life you want is within your reach and waiting for you. You get to create it starting with your intentional thoughts.

If you want some ideas of intentional thoughts to practice, grab this free list as my gift to you.

What thoughts are most prevalent in your mind right now? What reality is this creating for you? Is this who you want to be?

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Spiritual Mom Brain Fri, 15 May 2020 12:40:34 +0000 spiritual mom brain

Mom brain is a very real thing. 

Moms are in charge of remembering all the things. What snacks we need. Appointments. Special homework assignments. Who’s struggling with what. Which child needs extra emotional support. Birthdays. Favorite things.

With all these things floating around in a mom’s head, it’s easy to see why our minds feel cluttered, overwhelmed, and exhausted.

In addition to being sleep deprived, moms also typically wear many hats, flowing from one job to another without a break, until heads hit pillows. Some days, my schedule looks a little like this.

6:00am – Alarm goes off. Dive into focused work before the kids get up.
7:00am – Kids are awake. Referee the breakfast making.
8:00am – Work Emails while the kids watch TV
9:00am – Staff Meeting
9:30am – School Time while keeping up with work
12:00pm – Lunch. Make sure everyone is fed a decently balanced meal.
1:00pm – Try to keep everything from dissolving into anarchy while tackling an urgent work need
2:00pm – Repeat until dinner
6:00pm – Switch to dinner mom mode. Maybe throw a load of laundry in. Catch up with the hubs. Answer eighty thousand questions, most of which are some variation of “I’m hungry, can I have a snack” or “What’s for dinner,” some of which are the deeper variety of “why is the sky blue” or “is youtube real?”
7:00pm – Clean up dinner. Clean up kids. Maybe shower myself.
8:30pm – BEDTIME. For the kids. Read a few chapters while they fall asleep. I won’t be awake much longer either.

Whew. I know you relate. Some of you are juggling lots of developmental ages. Some have a commute (when the world is normal-ish). I’m grateful to be able to always work from home! The lines get blurred between work and home, which is why my schedule can look like a disaster, but I’m grateful to always be around. 

Spiritual Mom Brain: Multi-Tasking

With all the multi-tasking and continual working, it’s easy to see why it’s hard to get our brains to shift into a lower gear and slow down to focus on God’s word. It takes a lot of work, and I want to resist adding more hard things to my already difficult life. But this one is worth it, and the more we practice, the more we train our brains to focus in. You’ll even start to enjoy it and see the benefits flow into other areas of your life. 

I can hear your protests already. I get it. I’m the queen of losing focus, of bouncing from one task to another without even thinking. While I wrote the above paragraph, I sent a few work emails, got lost in the Facebook time warp, set a few to-dos, and contemplated the schedule for today. Singluar focus is something I have a VERY hard time with, but it’s been proven over and over again to increase the function of our brains. And I can bet we’d all love a little more of that in our lives.

To be singluarly focused, instead of multi-tasking all the time, requires a great deal of discipline, especially if you’re anything like me. My mom brain is so tired from all the laps it’s running. 

You can set aside blocks on your calendar for focused work times, and while they may be a little more like jello and less like cement on the rigidity, it trains your brain to focus in and work hard for that short little burst. You’ll find you’re even more productive.

Spiritual Mom Brain: Time-Scarcity

I find I live in this world of time-scarcity. I feel like I have to do all the things all the time because otherwise I’ll run out of time. It feels like there’s not enough to go around, and I’ll be left wanting if I’m not hustling all the time. 

In the same breath, when I find myself with a chunk of time dedicated to getting stuff done, I feel so overwhelmed by the thoughts of what to do, that I’m almost paralyzed into doing nothing. 

The same is true for our spiritual life. 

When we think about sitting down and focusing on the Bible, or prayer, we have a long list of failed experiments that pop into our brain. There’s that time we ended up playing Candy Crush for 20 minutes instead of in the Bible app. Or the time we fell asleep, head on the table, “praying.” Or all the times we followed our checklist but nothing felt applicable or relevant to real life.

Spiritual Mom Brain: Ideas

There’s no one formula. Just as relationships are all a little different depending on the two people in them, our relationships with God will all look differently. We all relate to the world, the scriptures, to praying and worshipping a little differently, and thats ok. In fact, it’s more than ok. It’s the way we were created. We have a creative God who delights in all the nuances of the world. You were made uniquely you, and no one can tell you just how to experience God. 

For me, some things I’ve found helpful are:

  • To journal my prayers. I don’t mean a bullet list of prayer requests, but a word for word writing what I’m thinking. It’s like keeping a diary, but I’m talking to the creator of the universe, not myself or static pages.
  • To follow a plan. YouVersion Bible app has reading plans for all seasons of life. Some are short, some are more intensive. Some follow a topic, while others focus on a specific area of the Bible. Scroll through and select one. This helps me fight the “I don’t know where to start so I won’t do anything.”
  • I write down at least one scripture from what I read each day. This helps my mind to focus a little deeper on the words on the page, first to be able to select something to write down, and next to continue thinking about it long after I close the Bible. 
  • Reading actual pages instead of a screen has been more helpful in certain times of my life. When I’m lacking discipline or feeling stressed by all that’s going on, a Bible app is quickly minimized to move on to other things, and before I know it, I don’t have time to read the bible. Going back to basics and removing screens helps me focus when I’m stressed. 
  • Listening to the Word of God – both in an audio version of the bible and through biblically-based music, activates another sense and allows me to dig in deeper. I find I can do repetitive chores (folding clothes, unloading the dishwasher, sweeping the floor) while I listen, which helps the words to sink in with my learning style. This helps me consume a lot more of the Bible. I love the Dwell bible app for this. They also have plans. 
  • Illustration also helps me meditate on the words I’m reading. I can ask myself, what symbolizes what the Bible is saying here, or what imagery is the Bible using to make a point? 
  • Journaling out my thoughts – typically through a keyboard – can help me to get to the heart of the message and what is really speaking to me in my current events.
  • Setting a block on my calendar for time in the Word
  • Accountability and friends to text what you’re learning. 

Does mom brain affect your time with God, too? What have you found helpful in your pursuit of God?

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Mom Quiet Time: A Spiritual Check-Up Thu, 07 May 2020 12:22:00 +0000 mom quiet time

Your spiritual health is the most important part of you, and yet it is the easiest to neglect. Mom quiet time is an elusive unicorn that we can’t quite catch.

We know God loves us and will never change, and so it’s often the easiest to push it aside, knowing He will still be there when we have extra time. The demands on a mama are intense, and time is always at a premium. If we give up the laundry or meal prep or time with our family, things will spiral into disarray. On the outside, when we give up our spiritual time, things stay the same. There is no discernable difference in our days – on the outside. 

When you place a frog in a pot of water, he will swim around happily, unaware of the dangers of a frog in a cooking pot. As you gradually turn up the heat, he will slowly boil to death, all the while not noticing the increase in heat nor the impending doom awaiting him as the water temperature continues to rise.

We don’t notice the decline in us until it’s significant. Each day apart from God leaves us trusting in ourselves, and I know from experience I’m not to be trusted. I make bad decisions, I waffle, I don’t know the future. I also can’t feed my soul. Only He can.

Mom Quiet Time – The Dangers

We know enough about God to be dangerous. This danger appears in two ways. First, we know He is good and His love is unconditional. This sometimes can give us a license – if not to do what we want, then to just be absent. If His love never changes, then why do I need to put in the effort. The problem is we’re thinking from a human economy, and God doesn’t work this way. It’s not a reciprocal relationship where we can earn or buy his love, or that he views us differently. No – it’s sacrificial, never giving up love.

When we taste this love and understand the depth, we don’t respond out of obligation. We respond out of gratitude, thanksgiving, understanding that his way is better and will always be what we should follow. We lose sight of this so easily. I’m distracted by shiny things and squirrels and forget that his love is so much better than anything. That he has given me guidelines to keep me safe. That he wants the very best for me. 

We also know just enough about God to give others the wrong impression. When we take bits and pieces from the bible, backing up our ideas with a misplaced scripture out of context, we present an incomplete God to the world. People don’t need a god they think they need – they need the God He knew we need. A God for the broken. A God so moved to draw the world close in communion with him that he sacrificed his own Son.

We like to neglect the part of scripture that indicates our choices are deserving of death. No one wants to think of the punishment for just “following our heart.” But our hearts are deceitful and simply can’t be trusted. We don’t weigh the life or death in our every decision. However, Jesus did. And he tipped the scales in our favor when we trust Him as our savior. When we trust him, the Father looks at us and sees the righteousness of Christ, not the dirtiness of our own choices. 

The Mom Quiet Time Checklist

Many times, we attempt to take the pulse of our spiritual health by this thing our culture has defined as a morning quiet time. Don’t get me wrong, spending quiet time with God is necessary and helpful. However, its become a checkbox of things to do. 

Pray. Check

Read four chapters. Check.

Journal. Check.

Move on with day, mostly unchanged. Check.

This is all understandable, as we serve a God who is so much bigger than we are and isn’t visibly with us. It’s hard to develop a relationship with someone outside of our human relationship realm. 

But God is alive. He wants a relationship with you. We are called the bride of Christ over and over again with good reason. No bride, who wants a successful relationship with her groom, will neglect him intentionally. This wife would never go days without talking to her groom if she had any power in it. No bride would simply greet her husband with a checklist as evidence of their relationship. “Look, honey. I cooked you dinner. Check. I asked the same questions about how your day was. Check. I told you about me. Check. That’s all you should expect.”

I think sometimes I honestly feel like I’m doing God a favor by rotely walking through my QT checklist. Look at me, God – I did what you asked!

But I challenge you – show me where this checklist is in the Bible. 

Did you find it?

That’s because it’s not there. 

Developing Mom Quiet Time for Relationship over Ritual

What happened was people took God’s word, when it tells us to commune with him, that the Scriptures are rich and alive and full of everything we need for this life, and reduced it to a simple formula. Checklists in themselves are not wrong. They help us to stay focused, to get things done, and to accomplish big goals. But when a checklist is substituted for a relationship, we have a problem. Relationships are active, growing things – they can’t be confined to three or four boxes.

Sometimes, a checklist is exactly what you need to get started. We can be paralyzed into inactivity when trying to figure out where to start. But you simply can’t stay there. 

Yes, we need to pray. Yes, we need to read the Bible. But it’s not a method to earn God’s grace or love. It’s not a daily necessity to get to heaven. But it is a powerful tool that can change us, but only if we let it. 

As moms especially, we have so much to learn from a loving and patient father. We wouldn’t expect our children to complete a checklist with us and be satisfied with the relationship. We can’t be filled up by simply going through the motions. 

Just Show Up

I get this sounds like you’re going to have to find time that doesn’t exist. You’re going to have to dig into your nonexistent reserves to just show up, much less interact with God and his word. He knows that too, friend. God isn’t a harsh taskmaster that expects more than you can give. He expects you, and when YOU show up, he can fill you with the strength, wisdom, patience, and grace you need to face the day.

Just like when he provided Manna in the wilderness for the people of Israel, He’s ready to give you the sustenance you need for today. Once you’ve tasted of his goodness, it’s hard to go back to a checklist. But we are a forgetful people. And we will and we do. So whether its the first or fiftieth time, I invite you to join him, just as you are and let Him be your enough. 

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