You cannot pour from an empty cup. This is an often-used phrase in the self-care realm to make sure that we are prioritizing our health and mental wellness – putting on our own oxygen mask before attempting to help others. When we forget to allow time to recharge and fill our cup, we find ourselves short-tempered, exhausted, unable to move forward, and looking to the wrong things in an attempt to fill up.
Fill Your Cup – But With The Right Things
Our children need us to pour into them every day. Love, affection, grace, mercy, fun – their tanks are needy and growing.
If we aren’t careful to fill our cups outside of time with our children, we might find ourselves trying to use them and our relationship to fill our cups. This won’t work for a number of reasons, but primarily, it’s not a role they were made to fill. We simply cannot place our significance in the hands of our children. Our significance belongs to God alone, and only He can fill us.
As our children learn and grow, they watch what we do and model our behavior more than listening to the words or advice we give.
Our cups can be temporarily filled by our work, our spouses, our children, our friends – but the only lasting way to fill them is in Jesus. As we put this into practice, our kids see us looking to Him for what we need, and they learn to do the same. When we tell them that God is important over everything, but don’t trust Him for our needs, they’re learning a completely different message.
Fill Your Cup – Relationship over Rules
We have to fight everything in us to not be like the Pharisees.
The Pharisees were the religious leaders in Jesus’ time. They had it all together, with their checklists and rules. They had worked out the way to follow God into a regimented program. The problem was it was all steps and no heart. They missed the actual most important part of God – His salvation through Jesus, not ourselves. They walked the earth with Jesus and dismissed him completely.
The Pharisees said they knew God with their words, but their actions proved differently. What they did showed their trust and dependence in themselves and their rules, how well they could check off the list and color within the lines.
But we were never meant to be able to deliver ourselves FROM ourselves. Because we can’t. We also were never meant to do it all.
With humility, when we lay ourselves before God and allow Him to work in and through us, our children see that. They learn what it looks like to walk a surrendered life of love, not a measured life of religion.
Allow Him to fill your cup and pour out from his abundance. We can trust his heart to always be enough.
This is such a critical point that so many of us, especially in the early years, forget. Thankfully, by the time my first became a teen, I’d found the grace to fill my cup, With some of the hurdles we’ve had with our daughter the past couple of years, I’ve said over & over that if I’d still been operating from that place of deficit & deprivation, it’d have been a MUCH different picture around here. Thanks, Melissa!
I love that you’ve been able to fill your cup and navigate those hurdles – what a tremendous testimony! Thank you for sharing!
“Allow Him to fill your cup and pour out from his abundance. We can trust his heart to always be enough.” Yes! Thanks for reminding of this truth.
Thanks also for linking up at Grace & Truth!
Thanks for stopping by, Lisa! I need that reminder every day!
This is something I need to remind myself often. It’s easy for me to run to a book or other distraction (or food) for comfort when stressed, but that never lasts. The times I’ve felt most refreshed is when I am surrendering that stress and overwhelm to Him and seeking Him to fill me with his presence. Taking walks with my son in the stroller around our neighborhood park’s trail without bringing headphones for music or an audiobook has been one way I’ve been creating space for solitude with Him. I use that time to pray and to praise him for his creation, I pay more attention to the birdsong and budding flowers and mention them to my baby so we can share that experience. It’s helped me slow down and worship him in the middle of a busy day
This is SO life-giving! Thank you for sharing!