
Recently, I took both of our boys, ages 6 and 4, to the beach by myself. Knowing how much energy they have, and that I was outnumbered, I gave up any dreams of a relaxing day in the sun, and dove headfirst into a full day of sand castle building, wave jumping, creature catching, and everything else the boys could dream up.

By the end of the day, I was sandy, exhausted, slightly burnt, and most of all, happy.

And it was here that it hit me – my kids were so much more fun when I’m not distracted.

I spend so much “time with my family” half in the moment, half tending to my to do lists or catching up on Facebook drama that everything becomes a distracting interruption. It’s no wonder those strong family connections are passing me by.

Meaningful family time is hard to come by when we’re distracted and not fully present where we are.

Family Time is Disappearing

Meaningful family connections are often lost as we rocket through life.  It’s easy to forget that this life isn’t about simply getting from Point A to Point B most efficiently, but rather the journey it takes to get there.  We crave connection and community – to be understood and loved for who we are, and have the chance to reciprocate – and we’re shortchanging our families when we allow things and activities to get in the way of this.

It takes purpose and resolve to fight for family connection.  Growing our relationships with our spouse and kids is such a gift we have been given, and we’re going to look at ways to embrace this gift to the fullest instead of overlooking it, or taking it for granted.  With a little resolve and planning, the fulfillment of meaningful family connection is worth the effort, as we live genuinely with those closest to us.

family connections

I’m thrilled to be sharing some ideas for creating meaningful family connections on AHA Now!  Continue reading there for tips on reconnecting with your family, and I’d love to have you join in the conversation!

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