If you’re anything like me, you’ve had those thoughts that send you into a downward spiral.

If only this happened…
If only he changed this…
If I only got this thing…

That’s dangerous thinking.

You’re giving your power away.

What if I told you that you had the power to create the life you want to live?

You can stop this cycle of waiting for circumstances or people or jobs to change, and instead grab peace and joy with both hands, right in the messy middle?

You’re not a victim to circumstances. I get that things feel hard right now. And life is full of hard, painful, trying times. That will never change.

What can change, what you have control of, are the thoughts you are telling yourself that result in your feelings, which guide your actions.

The Bible tells us plainly to take every thought captive (put the reference here). Our thoughts will take us on a journey – one that we may not want to take. Friends, if no one has ever told you, you’re allowed to think different thoughts.

I know this sounds simple – almost too simple. But the proof is in the practice. And while it’s a simple idea, the execution can feel like an uphill battle.

Our brain likes those smooth, well-worn worry pathways we’ve created. It’s comfortable in what it’s always known. And when we begin to try to blaze a new trail, you’re going to need the machete to clear out the overgrowth.

First, we have to realize the old thoughts that are leading us places we don’t want to go. How are you feeling that you don’t want to feel? (Frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, like a bad mom?) What thoughts are you having that are leading to those feelings? (I should be/shouldn’t be…)

Quite often, we’ve created a manual for how we think people are supposed to be/act in certain situations, either for ourselves or for others. And when we look on our circumstances with these manuals, it can create tension. We create these should’s/should not’s for these situations and when we don’t perform as expected, we fail.

What if you stopped should-ing on yourself? There is no one way to live this life. There is no right or wrong. All emotions are allowed, and we get to submit them to God and trust him for each step.

When we challenge these old patterns, it’s difficult. They may feel true, because you’ve been telling them to yourself for so long. But is it really true?

We don’t leave space in our lives for things that aren’t true. We think on what is true, holy, noble, and worthy. We adjust our thoughts to be in line with God and his word, and move forward in His truth.

It’s hard, holy work, and oh so worth it. The life you want is within your reach and waiting for you. You get to create it starting with your intentional thoughts.

If you want some ideas of intentional thoughts to practice, grab this free list as my gift to you.

What thoughts are most prevalent in your mind right now? What reality is this creating for you? Is this who you want to be?